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When buying or selling goods across a border, it is considered good business practice to understand the rules applied on the other side of the border. This is because the decisions you make when selling the goods can have a significant influence over the decisions and responsibilities of the business...
READ MOREFor businesses trading between the EU and UK, 2021 has been a year of change. The various easements introduced by HMRC with the aim to phase in the changes caused more confusion. With three months left to the year, take a look at the top 5 common mistakes made by businesses this year and read...
READ MOREWhen goods cross a border, customs formalities need to be completed. The trader has the option to complete the formalities themselves, or engage someone else to do this for them. Generally, traders find someone, such as a customs agent, to complete the formalities for them. In this case, the customs...
READ MOREIf your business buys goods from abroad and imports them, then the next customs audit target could be you. There are different types of customs audits, different triggers for an audit, and different focuses during an audit. This article aims to demystify customs audits to help businesses stay ahead of...
READ MOREExactly a year following the publication of the UK’s Global Tariff, the UK government announced on 20th May 2021 that the UK will launch its own tariff suspension scheme, tailored to the needs of UK businesses. This means legible goods will benefit from paying no customs duties upon import...
READ MORECustoms is a niche topic. Businesses of all sizes have been puzzled by customs queries over the last few months due to Brexit. Given the shortage of resource with sufficient customs experience in the UK, businesses are turning to external advisors for help. Small and medium-sized enterprises...
READ MOREWhen goods cross a border, customs formalities must be completed. Customs brokers help businesses complete these formalities. In the UK, £32.50 per declaration is HMRC’s estimated cost of this this service, but in reality the price tag can be as high as £150 per declaration...
READ MOREOn the 11th February 2021, the UK Government announced a new support package to help small and medium sized businesses. This support package is called the SME BREXIT Support Fund and will allow businesses who meet the criteria to apply for up to £2,000 in grants...
READ MOREWith vessels exceeding 400 meters in length and carrying over 23,000 TEU (twenty-foot-equivalent units), it is often the size and capacity of the freight and logistics industry that is at times difficult to comprehend. But with many industries now relying on ‘express freight services’...